Monday, September 26, 2011

Chapter 2: A Storm Brewing

Chapter 2: A Storm Brewing.

Owen wakes the following morning, slightly perturbed at Blaze; who is practicing his Llama calls in the barracks only a few feet away from where he was sleeping and in a voice loud enough to wake the dead; not good for someone as light a sleeper as he is. Not in a good mood, he showers quickly, has breakfast and after an hour of training, starts exploring the complex that will be his home for the foreseeable future, spending all of his time alone and contemplating yesterday’s argument with Troy.

His exploring come to a close when he finds one of the chambers used for the final ceremony of a defeated contender; a solemn rite that he has seen on television a couple times; though he never imagined he would be so close to the chamber in real life, or have the possibility of participating in one of the ceremonies himself. That sobering fact brings reality crashing down on his head; a room like this one can be in his future if he isn’t careful, him or any of the other Sims sharing quarters here beneath the arena and likely they are sharing the same trepidation or doubt that he is experiencing at present; except maybe Blaze.

“That idiot is so oblivious to his situation that he will be first to go.” He mutters sourly, still a little grumpy at the rude awakening he got from the childish man. Suddenly a little chilled, he walks up to the arena itself and looks out the gates at the passing cars, wishing for just a moment that he could just leave this all behind; find some tiny island somewhere where he wouldn’t be found and live in peace.

Elsewhere in the complex, Ayasha has decided to overcome her pre-conceived notions about Troy; when she sees him in the training room; having only seen him in the kitchen, seemingly at Rowena’s back. She makes a genuine attempt to at least get to know a little about him and surprisingly, he is in a talkative mood. He is troubled and a little withdrawn, but genuinely charming and soon, like many criminals do in prison; the talk turns to the reason he is there and as shaming it is for him, he tells her the events that conspired to bring him here; and how he inadvertently dragged Owen along for the ride.

“I made some bad choice as a kid, and spent some time in Talbot’s Peak correctional as a result of those choices. When I got out as an adult, I tried to put all of it behind me and take a different path.” He says with a sigh, as though regretful of his life so far. “Xander Clavell was a friend from childhood and a person who could have been sent away with me, but didn’t because his dad was wealthy enough to afford a good attorney… he figured since I didn’t testify against him that he owed me a favor. He told me with a little help, I could have twenty thousand free and clear for that debt. I didn’t know what was happening at first, just taking deliveries here and there, usually unmarked bags or boxes. It wasn’t long before I started to understand what was happening, but by then it was too late. Xander wouldn’t let me out once I was in; so I had little choice, either do what he asked and become like him or he would find a nice warm place for me and my family.” he says and goes on to tell her of the argument between him and Owen the previous day.

Ayasha, in her youth had seen things like that before and knows nothing good can come from a grudge like that and knows that one or the other will end up dead; maybe even before they get to the ring. She is strangely sympathetic to him and even though she is deliberately sketchy about her past, she speaks in no uncertain terms about what could possibly happen.

“You need to tell him that you had no choice, bad things could happen if you continue down this road. One of you may die before you even have a chance to climb into the ring like a man.” Troy agrees with the assessment of the strange woman and goes to find Owen; who is just staring absently out the gates.

The tenseness between them is palpable as Troy slowly comes out to him about the nature of his criminal activity and the reason he hadn’t had a choice about the lifestyle he had lived. He speaks at length about his relationship with Xander Clavell, his past and how those choices had shaped who he became and Owen listens with half an ear. When he tries to apologize for the events of the past few days and how things went down there at the end, Owen doesn’t let it go, in fact he is quite perturbed. “You are wrong in one fact… you did have a choice in one thing. Either you could have told me what you were into so I could at least have the option to stay or leave, or you could have just not answered my calls about a room for rent, told me they were already occupied… anything… “He growls angrily.

Owen is past the point of rage and advances on Troy threateningly, who just tries to back away from the other man before something happens that both of them will regret. Owen is also beyond reasoning with and despite the best efforts of the charismatic Troy, a fight ensues; there within yards of the arena and it lasts for several long minutes.

It ends even more abruptly than it started… with Troy at the bottom of the stairs unconscious and Owen looking down in mix of residual anger and horror at what he had just done. All of his strenuous military training and discipline thrown out the window in one rash decision (well two) and he silently vows that he will never make that wrong choice again. Whatever brought him here is irrelevant now… finding a way to survive is his new purpose. Troy stirs after a few minutes and Owen even helps him to his feet, taking him into the barracks to lie down and recuperate.

It isn’t long before they are back to training, and settle into a tense camaraderie, considering that one or both of them will likely be dead soon. Owen will never forget what Troy had done to him, but at the least he can put aside his feelings about it for now and focus on readying himself for the contest; scheduled to start any day now, whenever the overseer makes his appearance. Every year has a different one and he and the rest have all idly wondered who will be running the show this year. Troy and Owen settle down and they even spar a little with each other, though it becomes too tense and uncomfortable for it to continue for long.

The evening of the third day sees Troy finally starting to become at peace within him, while contemplating the events of the days prior and though he is still sore from the tumble down the stairs, he is certain that his ribs aren’t broken and he will be healed up by the time the contest commences. He slips into a meditative trance for the first time ever, his mind and conscience both blessedly clear.



  1. Wow this is really great so far, some things a bit lengthy, but it's ok. Story building!

    I can't wait for you to write more! Please don't give up on it!

  2. amazingly well written, story is catchy :D, I don't know if you are making the size too big, or the font in bold, it is a bit too big and kind of tiring for the eye :)
