Chapter 4: The Arrival
It is three long and hard days later when a stranger comes through the gates of the Arena; the first visitor thus far and since he had keys for the locked gate, the Fateful Eight believe he must be someone important. Tarik is the first to greet him and the man shows him the ring that bears the title of overseer and Saraya recognizes him immediately, though she doesn’t say anything. Tarik races off to get the others as Saraya takes her turn greeting him, but he says nothing; standing patiently in the entryway until one-by-one the fateful eight emerge from the Arena.

Simon is resting up a little after three long days of training; harder training than before since Ayasha had decided to give him a few pointers on using the practice dummies while the others were sleeping and he pushed himself to the point of exhaustion everyday; determined to make a decent showing at the least. When Tarik tells him the overseer has arrived, he has a feeling of excitement, mingled with one of gut-wrenching fear, since it means the competition is getting started for real and the trials and tribulations of the last week have been just a test.

He stands and follows the “herd”; led by the orange rooster up into the arena grounds and sees the well-groomed man standing in the arena itself and he summons them to gather together. He introduces himself as Dorian Childress, the overseer of this year’s competition and last year’s sole survivor and champion. “Well now, it’s good to see we got a good bunch this year, better than the tag-end we had last year though lucky for me I guess, since I won’t have to fight none of you.” He says casually and in a smooth accent; vaguely reminiscent of a faraway place most have only heard about on television. “I wish you all the best of luck and tomorrow will be the beginning of the end for most of you.” He says idly, but with a wheezing laugh. “Since this will be a world televised event, I will need to speak with each of you in turn, give a few pointers; change things just a bit.
He goes on to tell them the basic rules of the competition, as laid out by the organizers of the event; most of which they know from watching it on television. During the first few rounds, each pair of combatants will fight three matches and the winner of two of those three will be a winner and automatically move on to the next round. The losers of the round will face off again the following day in the same fashion and when there is a single “loser”, there will be a final ceremony for them; leaving seven for round two. The winners also face off again and the overall champion of them gets a “wildcard” not having to compete again until such time as they are needed, usually halfway through round two.
What comes as a surprise to all of them will be the presence of an enforcer; just in case one of them decides to “chicken out” during their final ceremony below. That is not something that has ever been part of the spectacle since it began ten years earlier.

The fateful eight look at each other and then back to Dorian, who is already walking away, heading below to inspect the living quarters. Most seem to be nervous or at least pensive in Ayasha’s case and separate, wanting solitude for themselves; maybe to ponder their lives and examine their short-comings or perhaps to pray for some intervention from the heavens to protect them now that the contest is well and truly started.

The fateful eight look at each other and then back to Dorian, who is already walking away, heading below to inspect the living quarters. Most seem to be nervous or at least pensive in Ayasha’s case and separate, wanting solitude for themselves; maybe to ponder their lives and examine their short-comings or perhaps to pray for some intervention from the heavens to protect them now that the contest is well and truly started.
Simon goes back to his book and occasionally stares over the top edge of it at the room he had found three days earlier; when chaos had reigned in the arena.
Troy, Owen and Tarik find solace in a conversation in the sitting room, actually on seemingly friendly terms for the first time since their arrival. Ayasha pushes herself back into her training to take her mind off the sliver of fear threatening to overcome her while Rowena and Saraya go to the kitchen and cook waffles, though neither really speaks much. Blaze spends most of his time staring into the mirror; serious for a change and almost doesn’t hear the summons later that evening.

Each of them are brought up to the ramparts surrounding the arena and speak with Dorian, and for most of them, they are words of encouragement and a more detailed account of what the contest will consist of and brief discussions on their background.

Some of them however, don’t like what they hear. Troy is told to act more “ethnic” for the competition; people like to see that instead of the fairly intelligent guy he really is. “You got color and you should use it. It will be great drama.” He says and of course Troy is belligerent and flatly refuses to play the role the overseer has assigned for him. Dorian changes his mind when he hears Troy’s reason, somewhat sympathetic at his past indiscretions that had been forced on him.

Each of them are brought up to the ramparts surrounding the arena and speak with Dorian, and for most of them, they are words of encouragement and a more detailed account of what the contest will consist of and brief discussions on their background.

Some of them however, don’t like what they hear. Troy is told to act more “ethnic” for the competition; people like to see that instead of the fairly intelligent guy he really is. “You got color and you should use it. It will be great drama.” He says and of course Troy is belligerent and flatly refuses to play the role the overseer has assigned for him. Dorian changes his mind when he hears Troy’s reason, somewhat sympathetic at his past indiscretions that had been forced on him.
“You boy… you’ll be the first to die most likely, you just don’t got the same drive the others do… just resign yourself to that fact and you’ll be able to face your death like a man.” Dorian says to Simon and at that moment; deep in his heart, he believes it to be true.

Rowena is told that she should find something different to wear, it wouldn’t be “proper” for her latest “role” and she should choose something a little more suitable for the rough and tumble of a death match, instead of looking like she is going out for a night on the town with her girlfriends. He also consoles her, stating it will only be for a while anyway, since she will probably be one of the first to face defeat. She just nods and storms away, finding a place to be by herself this time.
Owen on the other hand is given good news, that whether he wins or not, all the charges against him have been cleared and his attire is perfect for a somewhat ragged and disgraced soldier, to which Owen give a snort. “I ain’t disgraced… but I guess the rest kinda fits, I suppose I don't got much say in the matter.” He mumbles, used to taking orders but remembering back to the incident that started his life on the downward spiral.

He stands there for most of evening, long after Dorian and the others have retired for the night, staring out at the road and hoping that he can win this competition, he has the discipline and training after all and he should have a decent chance.

Rowena had stalked away from Dorian in anger initially, but as time passes and she has more and more time to think, she begins feeling sorry for herself and immensely stupid for joining a competition that could kill her, just for the small chance of being a successful actress.

Rowena is told that she should find something different to wear, it wouldn’t be “proper” for her latest “role” and she should choose something a little more suitable for the rough and tumble of a death match, instead of looking like she is going out for a night on the town with her girlfriends. He also consoles her, stating it will only be for a while anyway, since she will probably be one of the first to face defeat. She just nods and storms away, finding a place to be by herself this time.
Owen on the other hand is given good news, that whether he wins or not, all the charges against him have been cleared and his attire is perfect for a somewhat ragged and disgraced soldier, to which Owen give a snort. “I ain’t disgraced… but I guess the rest kinda fits, I suppose I don't got much say in the matter.” He mumbles, used to taking orders but remembering back to the incident that started his life on the downward spiral.

He stands there for most of evening, long after Dorian and the others have retired for the night, staring out at the road and hoping that he can win this competition, he has the discipline and training after all and he should have a decent chance.

Rowena had stalked away from Dorian in anger initially, but as time passes and she has more and more time to think, she begins feeling sorry for herself and immensely stupid for joining a competition that could kill her, just for the small chance of being a successful actress.
She cries long and hard with the realization that she really doesn’t stand a good chance when comparing her skills against those of Ayasha or Saraya; both of whom have been studying martial arts since they were young. Even Simon apparently has more drive then she does and the silly Blaze, who generally spent more time training than she did, so focused on her looks. When she is more collected, she goes back to her training, determined to make a stand and perform to the best of her abilities and if Dorian wants a “show”, then she will play the role she has been given, and tells him so once she is through wallowing in her own self pity.

While the others sleep peacefully for the most part; Dorian Childress pays respects to his fallen comrades, though he is strangely emotionless wandering among their headstones. He came here on a mission and will not fail in that if at all possible; it may indeed lead to his own death as a matter of fact, but his heart was broken by this competition and he has no more reason to live. He sits among the graves until the sun begins to climb into the horizon and gets to his feet, suddenly determined to begin what he started.
Sounds like this is going to be AWE-SOME!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteI just started reading and still at the 3rd post, I wanted to point you that the pictures are going outside of the post section, I use the same theme that you do for my blog, you can edit width sections to increase it to somthing a tad bigger that would fit into the pics, otherwise you can choose the size for the pics as large, and x large, so they don't "flood" great story and very refreshing from what I see already, I'll keep reading and let you know :D