Saturday, October 29, 2011

Chapter 8: A Dream and a Reality

After Ayasha’s unsubstantiated “escape” and subsequent confrontation, the frustrated Lainee decides she is going to nip all these little things that bother her in the bud. She was told what assets and resources she would have at her disposal when the corporate sponsors had first recruited her as overseer for this years’ competition. 

Finding somewhere out of the way in the arena isn’t a problem and she calls her direct supervisor; the liaison that works directly for those sponsors and makes her desires known.

Unbeknownst to her, Owen happened by and overhears her side of the phone conversation and goes off quickly to tell someone what he heard. The first one of his compatriots he finds is Rowena and she is in the dining room, having just finished her lunch of macaroni and cheese.

“She is sending for the enforcer!” He says in a harsh whisper. Rowena’s eyes go wide at hearing it, though really she isn’t that surprised. The enforcers are almost a yearly happening in the arena for the competition and even knowing that sends chills up her spine, mostly because they have never been called so early in a competition. “I wonder which one it will be, Katie or Lionel?” She asks aloud, knowing that one of them has been present every year so far but one. It is Owen’s turn to shudder, though not from knowing the enforcer is coming, but what they physically ARE.

Owen and Rowena are in the courtyard when the enforcer arrives and Rowena breathes in sharply in surprise. “That’s Katie… err K4T13!” She says with just a touch of awe and dread. Both enforcers are simbots and each has a different personality and their own mannerisms. The other droid L10N3L is firm and unyielding in purpose, but kind with an easy manner that many find likable.

K4T13 on the other hand is almost the polar opposite from L10N3L, and is likely the most notorious simbot in the known world. Last year, she physically manhandled three of the contestants when taking them to the cell; when it was only necessary on one of the three occasions. She is hot-tempered and rude and is probably universally hated by everyone. It is announced that she is here to monitor the arena grounds and assure the “strict adherence” to the rules of the competition by all competitors. Owen shudders, having seen one or two up close, but still has the queasy feeling in his stomach from having something so unnatural standing that close to him. Some of the others are sleeping, having had a rough couple of days and still mourning the loss of Blaze.

Below the goings-on in the courtyard, Simon is in the barracks, sleeping soundly from the trials of the past couple days and from exhaustion. He is dreaming, and it is one that is bittersweet, reflecting the greatest happiness in his life and at the same time, one of his greatest regrets. He has had this dream often since he arrived here; more often than he has in a long while.

His earliest memories of Shara Hightower were from when they were in primary school together, sitting next to each other in Ms. Prichard's class. They had become friends when he offered to help her with her homework and they often spent almost every waking moment together since they lived across the street from each other. 

They went to the park, walked to school together and always had supper together, whether he was at her house or she was at his for his mom Ophelia’s famous (in the neighborhood) chicken casserole. As they got older, they rode bikes all around town, went to the museum and library together and watched almost every movie that came to the theater.

As they got older and went through those particularly tough preteen years of angst and hormones together, they soon found themselves exploring each other in new and exciting ways, holding hands, kissing and even a little heavy petting when they were alone together. Shara believed that her father Jordan liked Simon from knowing him all these years and watching him grow up, but they were still respectful in not flaunting their new-found relationship with each other. They spent time in parks, the movie theater or anywhere other than their houses; generally only returning because the youth curfew kept them from staying out all night.

During their junior year of high school, things became a little more serious between them, with Shara becoming his first real “girlfriend”; like you see in movies and they did everything together and he often treated her with flowers or small gifts from the store in town with what little pocket money he saved by tutoring kids in his class. He got a part-time job at the bookstore and began saving his money for what he believed would be an escalation of their relationship, perhaps he would even propose to her after they both graduated high school.

Those memories were the sweet part and it took but one day for it all to turn against him. It was but two weeks before their impending graduation and her father Jordan called him and asked that he come by for a little chat. He thought nothing of it, since the man has always been tolerant of him, but something was different when he crossed the street, seeing the man standing on his porch. His face was calm, but his voice could have frozen water at a 100 feet.

“You are going to stop seeing Shara… this has gone on long enough.” He said simply, in a tone that was meant to stop any opposition in its tracks. Simon spluttered to find words for what he was hearing, but couldn’t even begin to wonder what he had done to deserve this. Hadn’t he treated Shara with respect as his mother taught him, treated Mr. Hightower with the respect he deserves? “She is going to college to become a doctor or lawyer and I won’t allow a nerdy little punk to take that away from her.” Simon took a step back. “Yes sir, she is, we were planning on going to college together. “ He replied weakly, though Jordan didn’t seem to hear him, or if he did, paid him no mind. “Nope, not going to happen, I have already enrolled her at Simarus Academy for their summer internship, she will get a head start on most other students. You being near her will give her unnecessary distractions. I know you will do what is right here…” He trailed of threateningly.

“Shouldn’t that be up her, what about what she wants?” He demanded angrily, more than willing to fight for what he thought was right. “She told me last month that she decided to attend the Art Institute of Simhaven University and they have great business management program I wanted to take, so I can start my own company.” Jordan simply stared at him impassively through his tirade and when he had nothing left to say Jordan spoke up. 

“It’s already done and she has promised to accede to my wishes. You are no good for her and she is too good for you, so that is my final word on the matter.” He turned to walk away, but Simon took his elbow and turned him back around. “I will continue seeing her, even if I have to change all my plans and spend every dollar I make to visit her at Simarus.” Simon growled and Jordan just smiled and backhanded him so hard his ears rang and he collapsed in a heap on the porch. 

“If you insist upon it, I will call the police and tell them that you raped Shara… imagine what would happen to you in prison, as scrawny as you are, you’d be someone’s bitch within ten minutes.” He says with a smirk and Simon is smart enough to know there isn’t really anything left to do but let her go for now.

He opens his eyes and looks around; reality slamming back home when he hears the Overseer call for everyone to gather, the second round of combat is about to begin. Normally, the rounds begin in the morning, so everyone is well-rested and at their peak performance but he thinks that perhaps Lainee is simply trying to flex her gubernatorial muscles. He slides out of bed and dons his favorite sweats and heads upstairs to join the others. 

Both he and Ayasha had been sleeping after the long day and he squints as he ascends the stairs to the arena in the bright afternoon sun. Lainee pairs them up, leaving Saraya; who had earned the right to sit out the first part of the round in their last bout of combat. 

They draw straws and Simon pulls the short straw; meaning he fights first. His opponent is Tarik and he appears awake and ready to go. The Egyptian starts off strong and nearly takes Simon’s head off with a backhand punch, getting the first point quickly. Dazed, Simon steps back frantically and only barely manages to keep the other mans’ hands and feet from scoring on him. Tarik wades in undaunted and fails to notice Simon shifting to a left foot forward stance; so intent is he on trying to connect with a fist. A sweeping leg takes Tarik’s legs out from under him scoring one point and Simon capitalizes with a second kick to the man’s side while he is down, blasting the wind from his lungs and cracking one of his ribs.

Simon realizes how fortunate he just got; one errant strike could have put him on the path to elimination. He helps carry Tarik to the benches to recover a bit and get his breath back.

Rowena gets to her feet and makes her way to the arena, followed by Owen, who is in his usual fatigues; the man must still be in the military; in his mind at least. She has spent a long while this morning training, so her body is loose and warmed up. She had wanted to take her mind of lingering thoughts of Blaze. As though to take advantage of her slight distraction, Lainee begins the match before she is well and truly ready. 

She is forced to react instinctively as Owen begins a steady attack, mostly kicks, but with a few random punches to try and catch her off-guard. The distractions fade away like her surroundings, until it is just her and the man circling the mat and both trying very hard to defeat the other. Rowena ducks under a high kick and sweeps her leg around, but he hops back and attempt to bring the back of his foot down on her head. She barely gets out of the way, but delivers a wicked punch to the side of his knee.

Owen hops back and finds his knee can barely support his weight; suddenly finding himself at a terrible disadvantage. It isn’t long before Rowena gets her second point, doing so with a sharp jab to his ribs with her elbow and a hard right to his jaw. He feels himself falling and hit the mat hard and needs Simon and Rowena to help him back to his seat.

Ayasha is fully awake by the time she climbs into the ring with Troy and he seems to be a bit lost in thought; which of course is good for her. She is surprised however, when he charges straight in and hits her with a flying tackle, seemingly attempting to remove her from the competition in one go. She hits the ground giving him a point, but she rolls backwards pulling him with her and launches him across the mat with her powerful thighs, and he hits the side wall of the ring upside down and hard enough to knock the wind from him. He slides down and tries to get to his feet, but she is already coming in fast with a roundhouse kick. He is taken down and like the others, has to be helped in getting back to his seat. 

Lainee calls an hour break before the second heat; where the losers of the round will face off until one is eliminated. When they return, all of them notice K4T13 standing near the edge of the ring, in place to make sure the loser makes good on their promise to die with dignity.

Tarik steps into the ring with Owen and begins the last round of combat for the day; the winners will face off tomorrow for a chance to get a reprieve in round three. They are equally rested and focused, but Owen’s knee is still tender from Rowena’s strike. Despite his injury, he manages to get a single point against Tarik, who has a bruised rib, but it isn’t nearly as severe as his own problem; which hinders his movements. Tarik connects with an uppercut and single kick to Owen’s other leg, sending him to the mat.

Owen and Troy both seem to be recovered from the brutal first heat and face off in the arena next. They circle tentatively at first, not wanting to make a mistake, so take extra care in what they try against their opponent, but it builds into a slow momentum as their hands and feet seemingly move to the same dance; block and jab, kick and block. Owen’s sudden charge takes Troy surprise, so in tune with that rhythm the other man had forced him into and hits Troy with a punch to his midsection and elbow to the face in rapid succession, but can’t capitalize with the last point as Troy throws a hard left that connects solidly with Owen’s jowls.

Troy stays in the ring and Owen; who had won the most points, moves to the benches for a break while Tarik takes his place. Troy is more wary this time, moving slowly and almost in an opposite direction, though he successfully keeps the Egyptian at bay for a long while. When Tarik inadvertently slips, Troy rushes in with a solid attack with his foot, followed by a chop toward the other man’s throat. Tarik ducks beneath the chop, but run headlong into his foot, sending him to the mat, where he rolls frantically to keep the larger man from getting too close. He scrambles to his feet and lashes out wildly in a blind attack routine, punching and kicking at the man, managing to connect with a glancing blow to his temple. 

Troy is more wary after that, but Tarik continues to rage uncontrollably, his mind going back to that confrontation with his uncle; who basically had forced this situation on him… and damned if he will let that man decide not only his fate, but the fate of his parents. With a shout and cry to the heaven’s for Allah’s protection, he launches what would be his last attack against Troy, his knee coming up to collide against Troy’s skull and not only ending the match, but sealing Troy’s fate who had scored a paltry two points.

Troy recovers quickly, getting to his feet with Lainee and K4T13 looking on impassively. He staggers a bit from that last blow, and it is but a ruse. The simbot moves closer and he straightens quickly and bolts for the courtyard, hoping to escape this place with his life. Thoughts circling in his head; He never meant for any of this to go as far as it did. He had assumed he was tough enough, strong enough physically to overcome anything in his path or he had enough tenacity; was a big enough asshole that people generally rolled over to his demands. These last few days have taught him just how little he truly knew about himself and he wants to see if perhaps he can avoid the fate awaiting him here; he could buy a boat and sail around the round, confident he could keep a step ahead of those who could pursue him.

A steel hand grips the side of his pants and yanks him roughly to the side as he tries to dart past K4T13 and he is pushed roughly against the wall by the steel monstrosity bearing the title of enforcer. She slams him hard against the wall, stunning him and grips the back of his leg hard enough to strain his tendons; which will definitely make it hard to run. She jumps on him in an effort to restrain him, and though he struggles, it is ultimately a futile gesture against the unfeeling simbot.

She takes him physically; literally carrying him down to the cell, and not releasing him until she sets him down in front of the door to the cell and roughly pushes him inside and locks the door. She shrugs and chuckles in amusement at her little skirmish, but then straightens and walks back to monitor the arena, just in case anyone wants to take advantage of her absence to flee.

Once inside, he breaks down, collapsing onto the bunk to cry for the first time since he was a child, tears rolling in great waves down his cheeks now that his fate has been sealed and there is nothing left for him to do but go forward. He had never before thought that he was a coward; a craven heart, but this contest has proved once and for all that he became one when idle thoughts of his death became a dreadful reality for him. He has never been a spiritual man, but finds comfort in closing his eyes and speaking his sins aloud in the close confines of the cell, hoping without hope that God; if there is one, will have mercy on him. 

By the time he passes out from pain and sheer exhaustion, he has but one thought left in his mind: To die standing up, proudly if possible.



1 comment:

  1. Ok, you have finally made me cry. I love when you write their back stories! The music I'm listening to is not helping, either...
